Category: national

  • Making Our Own Mandate

    Making Our Own Mandate

    Almost 7 in 10 (68.6%) eligible Americans did not vote for Republican presidential candidate, which belies all those mandate claims. That reality must be repeated by Democrats over and over and over. An emerging concern is the extent to which elected officials will allow the legislative usurpation by the executive branch as illustrated in the…

  • Holding Hope

    Holding Hope

    Last week affirmed an uncomfortable reality: more American voters chose an insurrection instigator to lead us. People can legitimately disagree I believe over legislative intervention for example or judicial activism. At the same time, they need some shared principles, such as the belief that convicted criminals are unfit for public office. Other politicians have committed…

  • A Need to Read?

    A Need to Read?

    Gloria Edim’s (2024) new memoir is a project in search of a problem. The book is a series of thematic chapters loosely organized in chronological order. These offer clusters of experiences, and the ways that reading helped her think through and about these. Edim’s claim to fame is the the Well-Read Black Girl organization, which…