Tag: chicago

  • Johnson’s Latest

    Johnson’s Latest

    The latest from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is something even for him. He couldn’t convince his self-appointed Chicago Board of Education members to fire the Chicago Public Schools CEO after he wouldn’t endorse a $300-million loan for a pension payment and part of upcoming contract obligations in the middle of Chicago Teachers Union contract negotiations.…

  • Promoting Public Possibilities

    Promoting Public Possibilities

    I attended earlier this week the People Powered Policy Panel, which was a Chicago Public Library event to explore a public options platform generally and specifically municipally-owned grocery stores and public banking initiatives. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson addressed the audience. Then local media maven Sylvia Ewing moderated a conversation among sociologist Ruha Benjamin, community activist…

  • Community Connections

    Community Connections

    I was disappointed by the National Night Out, which was promoted as a way of connecting police to communities. I had walked along the sidewalk to Lake Street and then made my way down the middle of State Street to Randolph. A band played in the middle of the street. Several tents promoted services. Canine…